Contact us

With a number offices located across Australia and New Zealand, the LifeHealthcare team are available to answer any of your queries please fill out the contact form, otherwise check out the interactive map below.

Customer Care
1800 060 168

Got a question?

Our locations

Select a pin to view location details

Headoffice: NSW

Level 8, 15 Talavera Rd

North Ryde 2113

Western Australia (WA)

Level 2, 327 Cambridge Street

Wembley 6014

Queensland (QLD)

Level 1, South Building

153 Campbell Street

Bowen Hills 4006

Victoria (VIC)

Unit 5, Port+ Business Park (B)

153 Bertie Street

Port Melbourne 3207

South Australia (SA)

186 Glynburn Road

Tranmere 5073


10 Cawley Street

Ellerslie 1051


154 Leinster Road

Merivale 8014